09 February 2011

Leaving at Silver Palms

Davis totally hates taking a shower at the guest house we are living in. It changes from hot to cold very quickly and this makes him cry the whole time. At week 3 I had to do something so this is what I came up with.

He is Davis' new bathtub! It is really used for bathing dogs but it works for 4 year old boys too!

Along with the 10 YWAMERs, we are also living with two other families. One family from Switzerland with two kids and a German family with three kids. Unfortunately Davis can't understand what they are saying but it doesn't stop him from playing with them. They are having a blast running around and playing with each others things.

Tonight I caught them all in one of the kid's room watching a show. It was so cute to see them all together. They are going to be great friends!!!

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