12 May 2009

My Favorite Speaker!!!

I do not get a lot of opportunities to hear Noah preach (I am usually back in Capi's kids), but when I do get to be in the service I am so blessed. I know that he is my husband but he is by far my favorite preacher. Even when we are at home talking about the things of God, I am soaking it in. I admire his faith and at times I am very convicted when I see him not worrying about the big or little things like me. His famous saying is, "Why worry when I have God on my side." or "Sweetie, stop worrying God's got this." Those statements are so true but yet I still find myself worrying. I am so blessed to have a husband that leads by example and leans on our God Almighty who has never failed us yet.

Noah's Easter sermon on HOPE

"Noah, In the last five years I have seen you turn a church around and transform people's lives. People that are truly going after our vision, "Loving God, Loving People, Living as Disciples. I love our church and mostly I love standing beside you through this journey we are on. Thank you for trusting God when I wanted to give up and leave. Thanks for knowing your call and sticking through it even when it hurt. Thank you for putting your family before the church no matter what others think or say. Davis and I will be forever grateful to you. I love you sweetie and I know that God has us right where we need to be!"

1 comment:

Noah said...

Unworthy! I love you Angel!