12 May 2009

All Good Things Must Come to an End!

So after 27 months of having a perfect sleeper who slept in his own bed, Davis is now asking to sleep in "Mommy's bed" every night.

We start are bed time routine with:




Then when we give him his cup and bobo (pacifier) and walk him to the back of the house, he automatically turns to our room and says, "I sleep in Mommy's bed." Noah would like to know where Davis thinks his daddy sleeps?

So are we going backwards or what? He does go to bed at his normal time and his normal way. We just join him when we are ready to go to bed. I do love having him next to me, but it is annoying to have "mommy and daddy time" in another room.

Forgot to mention that they sleep in our bed too. One big happy family!!!

The couple that said that they would never have a family bed is definitely is singing a different tune now. Who would of thought!!!


Mommyof3gifts said...

LoL ..cute girl! Better watch out.. He gets used to that too much you may have a hard time breaking him of it later! (: Can you carry him to bed after he falls asleep? Maybe try that as a way to ease him back to his bed... I'm sure it's special though- so enjoy those moments! I wish we had a king bed!!

Anonymous said...

anything that is "cute" when they are young gets real old when they are bigger.

he needs to feel ok with his own room and bed.

Anonymous said...

Oh my dear Tricia I don't blame you I know what you are talking about.I loved having them in our bed and paid the price the next day. When I had Nandi about ten years ago, she slept on our bed, when Masoma came four years later, we were four of us, I woke up every morning with a neck ache, and body ache not only that, they were very bad sleepers, they also kicked at night so I moved on the floor with an air mattress once a while, guess what, they followed me, so I had to make a decision to get them in their room when Nandi turned 7 and Masoma 3. Since then, I have been healed, no ,more headache and body ache. I sleep now like a two months baby and have my husband for myself

Annie Mokonya.