18 May 2009

Book Review

I read an awesome book this weekend. It was kind of a challenge/dare but it ended up being an amazing read. It was to prove to Noah that I do like reading "spiritual books" and yes I can read them just as fast as my other novels.

So, I told him that I would not read another novel until I read a "spiritual book" and this book was the first in the pile of books I wanted to read. Man was I glad I picked it.

This lady stepped all over my toes and brought home some good points to romancing my husband. Some key things that I took from this book:
  1. You want your husband to romance you? Then start romancing him first and he will follow. Does your husband hope you will be intimate with you or does he show you what he wants? They have no problems communicating what they want, so we shouldn't either.
  2. Your husband wants a lover-wife not a mother-wife. Sometimes I found myself guilty of this. I want Noah to do something but I want to make sure he does it my way. Many times I end up just doing it myself. So yesterday at lunch Noah said he would make Davis a plate and I bit my lip and let him. There wasn't much on it that Davis would eat, but instead of controlling the situation and going back to get something else I let Davis eat what he wanted, and it ended up being great. I just told Noah thank you and enjoyed my lunch. I need to do that more often!
  3. You need to have a forgiving heart. Your husband is not perfect and neither are you. They need as much forgiveness and grace as the next person. With God in the middle of our marriage anything is possible, even forgiving the unforgivable.
  4. Save the best for last! We need to cultivate a scared romance with God. If we grow in our relationship with Christ and take time to worship and read His word, we are going to make our marriage better. We are responsible to pray for our spouse everyday and sometimes several times a day (lol).
There are so many good points in this book and I was extra blessed this weekend reading it. It is a must read!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love to read too. Adam tells me that I'm addicted to reading books...Sometimes it's really nice to lose yourself in a great book. I'm finishing up the Twilight Series now...