17 March 2011

Happy Birthday, Tricia

Hey, it's Noah here.
Today is Tricia's birthday and I am hijacking her blog. For two reasons.

1. To say how much I love her. This year in particular my love for my dear wife multiplied exponentially as she displayed radical and audacious faith and willingness to follow me and Jesus into whatever we ask. (Ok, so maybe not ME in WHATEVER I ask....but Jesus, nonetheless.) Tricia, you are an inspiring and grace-filled human being. I am humbled by God's grace in bringing you to me and giving me the wisdom to grab you up when I did. You are my treasure for life and I promise to keep loving you like Christ loves the church. Happy Birthday, my bride! Enough mush...

2. I also wanted to share one of your birthday presents with your blog readers and those that follow you online. This is something that Tricia hopes I give her every year. So far, I've obeyed. Enjoy. It is a video I made of the last year of Davis' life. http://vimeo.com/21018211


Anonymous said...

Very neat, Noah. Thanks for sharing your love for your family in this way. -Christa

Anonymous said...
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