17 April 2009


I am so glad it is Friday!!! My students we driving me crazy this week. When my students return from a school break they...

Somehow forgot the classroom rules.
They forget the morning routines.
They are less focus on schoolwork and more on their friends.
They cling more to me.

Don't get me wrong I love getting hugs from my first graders, but they feel the need to hang all over me. Today I took a half day so the Kaye/Hunt household could head to the beach. Instead of my students being excited about going to lunch and recess, they were more concerned that I was not going to be here when they came back inside. This is what I got: "Mrs. Kaye, we don't want you to leave." "Please don't go." "Can you come back before school is out." We are going to miss you."

Man, talk about guilt!!! If I didn't have people waiting for me I would have stayed. I never thought I would say this (because of the year I had) but I am truly going to miss them next school year. I have come to admire and love all 14 of my students. They drive me crazy most of the time but they are soooo cute!!!!

Here is a taste on how cute and sweet they are!!!!

She loves having her picture taken

4th grade is buddy reading with my class

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