23 April 2009


Why do children think everything is theirs? They see something and they automatically say "MINE." When they see another child with a toy they want, they don't ask for it or wait for the child to be done, they just say,"mine" and snatch it away. Then the crying begins and when you get the toy back more crying happens and all you here is " MINE, MINE, MINE." Can you relate?!?!

I have a two year old that is having a hard time sharing and he thinks everything is his and that he has the right to have whatever he wants whenever he wants it. Help!!! How can we help him share his toys and have more patience?

Leave a comment!!!


Anonymous said...

don't expect too much sharing, he is two years old. That is a typical trait for a 2 year old.
Aunt Harm

Barbara Chandler said...

One thing that I have learned from the various preschool classes that I have taught was to not push so hard to MAKING them share, that only makes them feel bad or forced into sharing. Instead set up situations where they want to share. For instance, when throwing a party have them serve the cupcakes or dessert of somekind and praise them a lot for sharing the snacks with the other child or children. Then they build that idea of it feels good to share on their own because THEY chose to share instead of being told. Also, I agree with Harmony, it just takes time because they are still in that egocentric stage.