29 July 2010

Art Project

This week Davis and I made a collage of a bunch of pictures we cut out of a South African magazine that we got at their Embassy a few weeks back.  Davis had a lot of fun gluing the different animals, places, and food on the poster.  He was very excited to show his dad what we will get to see when we move to Cape Town.  Every few days he is asking if today is the day that we are moving there.  I pray he hold that excitement!


Tracy said...

Great idea!

Laura B said...

that IS a good idea. is there any way he can get a pen-pal (child)from the church or group you'll be working with there? that would be cool too if he could develop a friendship/relationship with someone there. -that way he would be able to look forward to meeting them and he would already "know" someone there. it may be a dumb idea but i was just thinking...

Tonya Wood said...

How cool, love it!