06 May 2010

You Know You're a Mom When.....

You know you're a mom when....

  1. ...you sing “Dora Dora Dora the Explorer” in the shower.
  2. ...play dates have taken over your life!
  3. ...you lick your finger to wipe the face of a child AND suddenly stop when you realize that child ISN’T YOURS!
  4. …a night on the town means taking the kids out past 6 pm.

  5. …you give up your cool car for a minivan, and within a few weeks, you really start to like the van, and use phrases like “It’s just so convenient.” And you really mean it.
  6. …you ask where “the potty” is.
  7. …sleeping in means… sleeping IN the middle of three little bodies!!!
  8. ...when you walk into another room in your house to get something and by the time
you get there you forget what you were going to get.
  9. ...you can’t wait to hug your own kids after you see something troubling on the news.
  10. ...You can recite Goodnight Moon and Green Eggs and Ham by heart.
Your Turn! 

1 comment:

Laura Bingaman said...

you know you're a mom when you're willing to give up the last brownie, cookie or something else you've been craving just because you know it would make you're child smile. (something you'd NEVER be willing to do before kids)