14 April 2010

When You Forgive...

Our small group is going through a Philip Yancey DVD series and reading "What's So Amazing About Grace?" by Philip Yancey.  Our group is having a great time digging into then Word about grace and what that all means. Some weeks we were are watching the dvd and that has been a wonderful addition to our discussions.  A few weeks ago we were watching a segment about forgiveness and a man shared four steps you need to take when forgiving someone.  I wanted to share because it has really helped me change some of my thinking.

When you forgive....

1.  You surrender your right to get even.  You stop playing victim.
2.  You give your enemies humanity back.
3.  You get the freedom to wish that person well.
4.  You are willing to be open for what God has for the relationship.

Is this how you are forgiving others? How freeing this must fill!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's not an easy thing to do but it must be done in order to forgive. Love your post...Tricia