29 April 2010

AWANA Time!!!

Davis loves going to Puggles each week.....

  1. He gets to play his guitar during worship time.
  2. He gets to play with his friends.
  3. Most of all his loves his teacher, Grammie!!!

Davis is learning a lot and Noah and I are loving it.  He has learned 3 verses in the last 2 months and he gets so excited when we ask him to recite them.

  • "God is love"
  • "God made everything"
  • "Give thanks to God"

Here are some pictures of him with his Puggles class...

We will be sad when it is over next month.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grammie loves teaching Davis and our Puggle time is very special. Love hearing Davis say "you be my teacher tonight".