14 October 2009

First Lady Confession!!!

So I have to tell on myself because it had me and Noah laughing after it happened. Yesterday when I came home from speaking at Berwyn Christian School, Noah wanted to know how I did. I told him that I didn't want to brag but I felt I did a really good job and the students seemed very open to what I had to say.

Here is the confession:

As I was telling Noah about chapel I was pulling down a can of pepsi max to drink with my lunch. I told Noah that I think I may have more of an "Anointing" on me and that is why I did such a good job and as I said that I dropped the pepsi max. As it fell to the ground my "anointing" left really quickly as I yelled OH *%$#. I looked down at the mess and up at Noah and we just started laughing. I think that God forgave me but look how quick we can get into the flesh.

Please forgive your First Lady!!!!


Noah said...

Way to put your stuff out there, babe! You must learn from you Husband! Hilarious! Proud of you and YES you do have an increased anointing. Even though you did use the S word.

Since you didn't type the actual word, I hope people do not assume you said an even worse word...;-0

Anonymous said...


Tanya said...

I guess you are human!!!