07 July 2009

Potty Time

So we have started down the road to potty training. What a job!!! Every 20 -30 minutes we are going to the potty whether he goes or not. Davis feels the need to take his shorts, pull-ups and shoes completely off every time. God continue to give me the patience I need!!!

I wanted to give him some incentive every time he actually goes potty. So I purchase a behavior chart and wrote "Potty" below his name. Every time he goes potty he gets to put a sticker on his chart. When the chart is all filled up, he get a little something.

So here is his first completed "Potty" Chart":

He picked a $2.00 ball from Target. We are so proud of him!!!


mommy to many said...

my boys and Sarah did the SAME thing!! took everything of below the belt! don't know what it is but if you don't let them take it off they don't go potty!! Josiah was so bad that i had to explain to his preschool teacher that he needs to be watch very close when he says he has to go potty...she asked why, and i said, you'll have a nude little boy running accross the room! he did it once and that was it! LOL !! oh to be a fly on the wall that day! shortly after that, he stopped feeling the "need" at home to run around!! good luck!
Timothy..is a different story. one day he walked in on Victoria going potty... he looked at her and then at me looked down at her again and with concern asked, "mommy what happen? me not missing a beat said, "she was playng with it and it fell off!" he was so upset, but i killed to birds with one stone..1.he never plays with himself and 2.i guess he is so afraid of what she will do to him since her "toy" fell off that he DOES NOT run out of the bath room unless he is covered up!! oh i know i lied, but as a parent one day i will tell him the real rason i told him that story!! and he too will think it's funny!! sometimes when it's silly thngs like this, you have to be creative!! right?? oh the stories we have as parents of boys!!

Anonymous said...

hey lady!

i'm trying to send you an email, but it is not sending it or receiving it to your account! SORRY! So i am trying your blog site and its a pretty cool one! i am totally avaiable anytime on Tuesday if that works for you. my number is 719-640-8886. call me!

Anonymous said...

oh sorry! this is Christine from New Life Church. call me and we can meet!

Anonymous said...


That is so funny! I read it to Noah and we couldn't stop laughing. Was it hard potty training your boys? How long did it take? Do you have any tips for a first time mom?


Anonymous said...

LOL...Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

LOL... Is Davis naked in this picture... He cracks me up!!!!

~Aunt Bird

mommy to many said...

hey trisha!

not really any tricks! they go on their own time, if you rush then it will just back fire! but doing the reward thing is wonderful! Josiah actully started young and was done by 2 1/2 Timothy is now 4 and he still at times wakes up wet, but is dry ALL the time during the day. we just prayed and let him run with it, when he wanted to go we said okay. i've had friends have luck with the timer method, depending on how well Davis is doing, set it for 20 minutes, no matter what you are doing, when that timer goes off make sure he hears it and take him, if it works keep it at 20
minutes for a few days and then begin to space it out a little more... if he has an accident, take it back a few minutes. it just takes time, it is one thing we know as parents they will accomplish!! good luck.
ps glad my comment made you laugh, i have so many stories....should wirte a book!! LOL

Tricia Kaye said...

Thanks Ginger that was helpful.

Aunt Bird, I have my pull up on!!! Love Davis