There is soo much that I can say about my mother in-law. I have to say I was a bit intimidated when I first met her back in 1999. Noah took me home to meet his family and all he told me was that his mom adored her boys and that she had told him over and over that he better choose the right women to be his wife. Why in the world did I agree to go after that statement? It didn't take me long to fall in love with his family, especially his mom.
At that time in my life I really needed a mommie's love and someone I could feel comfortable sharing the pain and hurt that I experiences during my childhood. She helped me through a lot and helped also make me become the women I am today. Pam Kaye is not only my mother in-law, but she is my mom (in all ways), friend, confidant, counselor, and so much more.
There are two things that my mother in-law has said to me over the lasts several years that have made an immense impact one me;
1. "I wasn't sure you were good enough for my son, but now I wonder if he is good enough for you."
2."We haven't added a daughter in -law, we have gained another daughter."
Since I have been part of the Kaye family, Pam has always treated me like a daughter and never hesitates to be real with me. I would say, "Mom, why are you so hard on me?" and her reply is, "because honey I hold you to a high standard."
"Mom, Thank you for loving me unconditionally and for treating me like one of your own daughters. Please continue to speak into my life even when you "think" you are upsetting me. You are not and I just need more time to process the request and sometimes I resist the obligations that is put on my as the pastor's wife. Thanks for raising an AMAZING son and for being a wonderful Grammy to Davis. I am so blessed to have you in my life and to not only call you mom but to call you friend. Happy Mother's Day!!!
Pam loves you like a real daughter. God has blessed Pam with a big heart who has the ability to love everyone!!!
Gots to loves Momma!
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