18 March 2009

Thought of the week....

What would happen if you looked in the mirror everyday and said to yourself, "I am beautiful" and "I am amazing?" Would you start to believe it?

I have a confession: I avoid the mirror like a plague. I make a conscious effort not to look when I am jumping in and out of the shower. When I do my hair and make up, I make sure I am clothed and it is not a full length mirror. I know this is bad, but this has been a constant battle of mine.

God has been really showing me to look through God's mirror. I get goose bumps just thinking about what I see when I look at myself through His eyes. Wow, I am really amazing and beautiful. Everyone needs to carry His mirror around!

I have been listening to a song this week that has really touched my heart. I know I have a long way to go on my self-esteem, but when life gets me down (about my image), I will listen and reflect on these lyrics.

"Thank you God for telling me that "who I am is enough" and that I am beautiful and amazing." Tricia

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