20 March 2009

Brag on Noah!

I get on Noah a lot about the things he wouldn't be able to do if I wasn't around. Here are some of the things:

paying bills
remembering trash day
planning meals
Wouldn't know when bath day was for Davis
Wouldn't know what to put on Davis
Wouldn't be able to pack Davis' lunch or diaper bag.

Man he would be a mess without me! On the contrary, I would be a mess without him. He is my rock and I am so blessed to have him as my husband. I am so glad to pick up the slack in areas that he can't do. I know I get on him about not doing a lot for Davis and that I carry a lot of the load, but deep down in my heart I want to carry it. I am amazed everyday of how much he strives to be a family man. Noah carries a heavy load at the church and he never finishes what he needs to do, but he makes sure he is home at a decent time to be with Davis and I. When he walks through the front door he can't wait to see his boy. Davis means the world to him. It doesn't matter to Noah that he doesn't know what night is bath night or how to pack his lunch (which he never has), all he cares about is investing in Davis' life. It brings joy in my heart seeing Noah and Davis interacting together. I think Noah lights up just as much (or more) as Davis when they see each other. They have made some special bonds and I shared one in a recent post.

Noah prays with Davis every night, even when he is away. Well, Noah is in Guyana and wasn't sure he would be able to talk to us on the phone. So before he left he made a you Tube video for Davis. In the video Noah reads their favorite bedtime story and prays for him. It felt like he was with us at bedtime.

Noah, I could care less that you can't pack a diaper bag or Davis' lunch. What I care about is that you continue to invest in our son. I will worry about the rest and you worry about loving and caring for us and the church. Davis and I love you very much. I am so proud of you and I am honored to be called you wife. Thank you for all that you do and showing us that we really matter.

I love you,

Here is the bedtime video:


Mommyof3gifts said...

ok.. so this brought tears... You Truly are blessed! Sooo sweet! I love it...

Noah said...

Seriously?!?! I am crying too. Not sure I deserved this! Wow. Babe, thanks so much! Indeed you all are precious to me.

Anonymous said...

That is by far, the sweetest thing I have ever seen done in my life. Davis is so blessed to have you two as parents.

hartslove said...

Oh man! That blessed me--very touching. I almost feel like I was imposing on Davis' special storytime. Your family exemplifies love in your interactions, and thereby ministers to us too. Glad you take care of each other so well. Like others here have said, how blessed!