I can't believe that my baby is 5. These 5 years have been the best years of my life! It has been such a joy and honor to raise Davis.
2 days old!1 years old!
2 years old! 3 years old! 4 years old!
Thoughts and stories from a Mom, a Wife and a Woman on Mission for God.
A new school year here in South Africa. Davis was very excited to start today with a new teacher and a new classroom. He even brought a picture of Lily to show off his sister!
[[posterous-content:kxIEgbCmHDgBeDeADdsE]][[posterous-content:dhJDGqgvipDeAAIfJgra]][[posterous-content:nIqzkxhkogBeqDAwgCpq]]This blog post is dedicated to the most beautiful, little, sweet, precious, white African-Ameican baby in the entire Republic of South Africa!
Noah, Davis and I are thrilled to anounce the arrival of our sweet daughter, Lily Raelynn Kaye.
Date: Saturday, January 7th, 2012 (EXACTLY 5 years after Davis- get ready for some MAJOR birthday partying January 7th, 2013)
Location: Constantia, Cape Town, South Africa
Time: 2:14pm
Weight: 6lb, 7oz
Length: 18.5in
Lily's name is spiritually significant...it means beauty and purity-- indicative of her future. We belive that the Lord has great plans for Lily. She will be a radical, Holy Spirit led, Jesus lover.
Lily's name is also practically significant in that she is our "Lily of the Valley"-- we live in the Fish Hoek Valley of Cape Town. What is really cool is that Davis choose her name!
She is a miracle and an answer to prayer and prophetic words over our family. Read about it HERE when we announced our pregnancy.
Join us in praying for Lily's life-- that it would shine for Jesus.
I can't believe we have lived here in South Africa a whole school year! It just seems like yesterday we got of the plane and started this new chapter in our lives.
Yesterday was Davis' last day of school. He is now on summer holiday for the next 4 1/2 weeks. We are so proud of the growth and maturity we have seen in this last year. He has learned so much at school and got to play his little heart out each day!
Davis' first day of school (Jan. 2011)
My friends got together and blessed Lily and I with a shower. They showered me with lots of love, prayers, and gifts. What a blessing they are to me!
[[posterous-content:pid___0]]Beautiful butterfly cake! MADE by....
[[posterous-content:pid___1]]The famous Lancaster County and now South African baker Shawn (AKA Titi to Davis)!
[[posterous-content:pid___2]]Yummy Yummy Food!
[[posterous-content:pid___3]]Louisa getting into the chocolate machine!
[[posterous-content:pid___4]]Deby is the life of the party!
[[posterous-content:pid___5]]Tersia and I posing!
[[posterous-content:pid___6]]Julianna writing on a diaper!
[[posterous-content:pid___7]]Noah and I have alot of funny things to read during the middle of the night changes!
[[posterous-content:pid___8]]Anette, just one more pose!
Thank you ladies for making me feel so loved and supported!!!!
Tricia Kaye
Blog: triciakaye.posterous.com
Family Site: kayefam.me
Sent from my iPhone
One of Davis' favorite things to do right now is playing with his spinning top that he bought in Masi. It is what all the boys are playing with in Masi and so Davis wanted one too!
Here is Davis playing with some boys today in Masi with his spinning top outside of where we have our VC Kid's Club.
My first post being back I want to talk about being blessed in the community I am living in. God knew exactly what I needed when He moved me 8000 miles away from my family and friends. While Noah was away for 2 weeks, I came down with the flu. It was pretty bad and it was hard for me to get out of bed and tend to Davis.
I have made some amazing friends here and they were ready and willing to take turns nursing me back to health and tend to Davis. I couldn’t believe the care they were giving me and they made it easy being sick without Noah home and having my family to lean on.
In these last several months I have never experience community quite like this. 8 months ago these ladies were total strangers and now they are there when I need them. One was even willing to hold the trash can as I puked my guts out and if that wasn’t bad enough, she insisted to clean it out so I could go back and lay down.
One of my friends, Sarah Prince, that works in Ocean View (a coloured township) got some of the ladies she works with to come in a pray for some single moms in Masi (the township I work in). It was a powerful time of prayer and song and I felt so honored to be apart of this divine moment with these ladies. The visit took place in the dark and the shacks had no working electritiy.
This video captures something that we are really seeing the Lord bless. We call it storying. Since so many people do not learn by reading (close to 80% of the world are oral learners), we are experimenting with different ways that: A) People can learn the scripture in a manner that penetrates their hearts. B) They can reproduce it for others. I encourage you to try this in a group soon. Later, I will post some stories that we have crafted. Use, reproduce, tell others and let the Word of the Lord go forth.
Storying in Masi from Noah Kaye on Vimeo.
What a week we have had! Last Monday we woke up to the news that there was a massive fire in Masi, burning at least 1500 shacks. People were left with no home and many with no possessions to their name. When I arrived on the scene, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I have never seen a fire so big and do so much damage. I felt for the people because I could remember what it was like to watch a home burn down.
The fire started in the middle of the night and when we got in at 9am the people were already clearing their site and starting to rebuild.
Even the kids lent a helping hand!Each day there was more progress!
By the end of the week many shacks were rebuilt and people were trying to replace the things they lost from donations the community was providing.